CF cards on Ebay?
Anyone heard of scams selling poor quality ripoffs? I want to purchase a few cards around 4GBs and some of the prices on ebay seem good - but I'd hate to buy a junk card. I can imagine there is a lucrative market on knockoffs
Nonetheless, there is one inexpensive yet apparently hgh quality brand available from Newegg and other reputable stores called Ritek by Ridata ... it is undersung but works well.
I have this one: and it works like a charm (been using it only 2+ months though). It has a good warantee, too. I trust my SanDisks, both CF and MemoryStick, and the RiTEk Pro Silver (150x) CF has earned that same trust. (note ... they have several tiers of speed ... the Pro Silver is their fastest, and shooting RAW bursts with both 20D and 30D has seemed to show a very slight increase in frames shot rapidly).
Nam et ipsa scientia potestas est.