Best of Photography Annual 2006

I'm a finalist! YEAH! :clap
Photographers Forum Magazine puts on a yearly contest. The finalist get to have their entries published in "The Best of Photography Annual 2006" hardcover book, which according to them is sold to college libraries and instructors of photography, art and graphic design, as well as to general subscribers. I've never seen it.:dunno
They had more than 20,000 entries from over 20 countries. Finalists consist of the top 5%. That's still 1,000 finalists (right?) but I'm just excited I made it through!
Unfortunately, I don't know which one went through!
Photographers Forum Magazine puts on a yearly contest. The finalist get to have their entries published in "The Best of Photography Annual 2006" hardcover book, which according to them is sold to college libraries and instructors of photography, art and graphic design, as well as to general subscribers. I've never seen it.:dunno
They had more than 20,000 entries from over 20 countries. Finalists consist of the top 5%. That's still 1,000 finalists (right?) but I'm just excited I made it through!

Unfortunately, I don't know which one went through!
Insanity: Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. - Albert Einstein :bash
- Kevin
- Kevin
I felt the same way when I had two entries accepted into the Orange County Fair (first attempt ever and I only started taking photography seriously 9 months ago). They had over 2,000 photos entered and they accepted just over 1,000 (about 50%).
I know how you feel in just getting accepted, and being in the top 5% is awesome.
I just wish I knew which one it was!
- Kevin
check out my (sports) pics:
*Thanks to Boolsacho for the avatar photo (from the dgrin portrait project)
- Kevin
Here's the website -
- Kevin