alright so i know this shot is noisy but i like it a lot.
what about you?
I took it when i was out shoting for the school yearbook/newspaper.
what about you?
I took it when i was out shoting for the school yearbook/newspaper.

i think it is a cool shot, nice job! you may want to try a slightly tighter crop (for example taking out the player on the far right or some of the open space on top and bottom) and see how you like it.
A former sports shooter
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A former sports shooter
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*Thanks to Boolsacho for the avatar photo (from the dgrin portrait project)
It looks like SM East against SMNW. I have 2 sons that play for SM West.
Kyle and Matt Crow. I just bought a new Olympus E-500 so that I could take pictures at the Kansas Shrine Bowl All-Star game of my son Kyle. Looking forward to getting some good shots next year of Matt and the team who will be a Senior. I run the FB website at Maybe I will see you at the SMNW vs. SMW game ( Assuming that you are from SMNW and not SME).
Did you photoshop this to get this result? It looks good whatever you did.
I too wonder if it's a product of photoshop manipulation. If not, then what a great capture of a sharp subject with the rest of the players motion blurred.
Looks like he's jumping off the screen .... I like it
Skippy (Australia) - Moderator of "HOLY MACRO" and "OTHER COOL SHOTS"
:skippy Everyone has the right to be stupid, but some people just abuse the privilege :dgrin
thats who it is all right.
Oh and no... i did not use photoshop to get that look. all i used photoshop for was levels and a little bit of noise reduction, but the blur was all in camera.