I can certainly relate to a lack of PS skills. I have that problem as well but that is still an interesting shot. Though a bit dark, the ridge in the background and the watertower are nice touches. The shot is very dramatic and menacing in appearance!
Interesting catch. If your doing layers the your PS skills are better than mine. I should really address this.
Was this with a 'lightning trigger' ? Im surprised that there are no leaders (smaller fingers) coming from the bolts.
It was done manually. At higher res / larger size there are leaders etc visible. I have a crude layered version that I've just about exhausted my skill set on that I'll post later today so you can see what I've done (and not done).
There ya go!
That is actually a decent shot and not to be sneezed at!
Lightning can be tricky to capture well and the longer exposure times vs. the sudden brightness of the strike can lead to instant blow out. Although dark, your lightning bolt is very crisp which is an achievement in it's own.
When I used my 35mm Minolta to shoot and there was a strike early in the exposure I would hold the bulb open a little bit longer just to expose the scenery a bit more. I don't yet have a remote bulb for my digital so I am at the mercy of the timed exposure method. :hack
If the strike was a weeeee bit closer or happened after a slightly longer exposure it would be very hard to fault. Keep rolling the dice and eventually everything will line up for you in terms of distance, brightness and exposure time!
I learned your love for life, I feel your presence... I remember
I like it! - Michael
Was this with a 'lightning trigger' ? Im surprised that there are no leaders (smaller fingers) coming from the bolts.
That is actually a decent shot and not to be sneezed at!
Lightning can be tricky to capture well and the longer exposure times vs. the sudden brightness of the strike can lead to instant blow out. Although dark, your lightning bolt is very crisp which is an achievement in it's own.
When I used my 35mm Minolta to shoot and there was a strike early in the exposure I would hold the bulb open a little bit longer just to expose the scenery a bit more. I don't yet have a remote bulb for my digital so I am at the mercy of the timed exposure method. :hack
If the strike was a weeeee bit closer or happened after a slightly longer exposure it would be very hard to fault. Keep rolling the dice and eventually everything will line up for you in terms of distance, brightness and exposure time!
I feel your presence...
I remember
SLAMA Photography
I wish I had the photoshop skills needed to work that magic.
Good stuff!
I feel your presence...
I remember
SLAMA Photography