*Challenge 26 - Nir's 2nd try, and 3rd, 4th ...

This was my first try; 18th Century, Italy

Shakey helped me understand this wasn't exactly suitable for "in my house".
Then I tried My Favorite Corner;

But it is lacking a special angle to make it unique. This is my widest lens Mike, and I have difficulty here with angles because it is on the edge of the staircase going down to the basement.
This 'morning ritual' came to mind; Sugar, Milk and the Morning Paper;

But I'm not extremely happy with it either.
Also tried for geometry in Staircase;

Finally got the next which really hits the nail on the head in my perception of my household - TEAMWORK and I Get To Clean Up Afterwards;

But does it 'speak' to anyone out there?
I would really appreciate more of your comments and help in making the 'critical' choice :dunno

Shakey helped me understand this wasn't exactly suitable for "in my house".
Then I tried My Favorite Corner;

But it is lacking a special angle to make it unique. This is my widest lens Mike, and I have difficulty here with angles because it is on the edge of the staircase going down to the basement.
This 'morning ritual' came to mind; Sugar, Milk and the Morning Paper;

But I'm not extremely happy with it either.
Also tried for geometry in Staircase;

Finally got the next which really hits the nail on the head in my perception of my household - TEAMWORK and I Get To Clean Up Afterwards;

But does it 'speak' to anyone out there?
I would really appreciate more of your comments and help in making the 'critical' choice :dunno
Nir I just looked at it again and I'm not sure it's level... and no I'm not joking... seems it may just tilt a tad and now I can't see it I can't remember which way...
to the left??
Thanks guys for all your comments!! This IS what my house 'feels' like!
Lynn, level or not, makeup or not (
Nir Alon
images of my thoughts
Sigma SD9, SD14, and DP1