Teach me please

I want to find a thread to which Nikolai answsered about churches.
I have been looking at my subscriptions and it has been hard to find...
I have started to create Folders with the threads I am interested but I missed this one.
Hoe to find a thread subscribed by Nikolai and myself ?
I have been looking at my subscriptions and it has been hard to find...
I have started to create Folders with the threads I am interested but I missed this one.
Hoe to find a thread subscribed by Nikolai and myself ?
All the best ! ... António Correia - Facebook
A better way to search Dgrin is with Google (big surprise, huh). If you include site:www.dgrin.com with the other keywords, the Google results will only include stuff on Dgrin. I entered site:www.dgrin.com Nikolai church and got 44 results (66 including duplicates). Try it and see if that helps.
Obrigado. it's a good ideia.
Subscribed thread are very difficult to find unless they are archived...
Here you are: http://www.dgrin.com/showthread.php?t=38251&page=2
I must tell you - it took me a few tries
Finally I searched for my own posts with the word "church" in them for the last month - and got exactly one thread
It was hard to find, since neither of us initiated the thread in question, we kinda hijacked it from Matty, so now were paying the price of not being able to find it
Saude! (sorry, no accents in my keyboard)
I don't know what to say.
I don't know how to thank you.
But let me - honestly - tell you something: When I posted the thread I was not expecting you to read it and take the iniciative to give the answer.
Today I was going to ask you to be kind enought as to search the post for me, because you do have far more practice in these things than I do.
And finnaly, at home, I saw you had searched the thread for me and linked it.
It was very nice of you to do so. Thank you very very much.
I want to re-read your words.
I am going to print them as study tomorrow.
Obrigado. Saúde takes an accent, which there isn't in the English language, but everybody understands.
BTW (by the way
Not a problem, was glad to help you out.