Do I need to redo my site for encourage sales?
I started my site a little over a year go and have a LOT of nature photos on there.
Now that I have turned it into a pro site a couple months ago and am trying to sell photos I wonder if I need to separate my site that has so many photos and just keep it for my own photo use, like for forums and sharing.
Then I would start an entirely new pro site. My control panel says I had 32,000 hits this month and it seems with that many hits I should be selling some photos.
I try to reference potential customers to the high resolution gallerys for print sales but it is obviously not working with O sales.
Any feedback advice would be greatly appreciated. is my site.
Now that I have turned it into a pro site a couple months ago and am trying to sell photos I wonder if I need to separate my site that has so many photos and just keep it for my own photo use, like for forums and sharing.
Then I would start an entirely new pro site. My control panel says I had 32,000 hits this month and it seems with that many hits I should be selling some photos.
I try to reference potential customers to the high resolution gallerys for print sales but it is obviously not working with O sales.
Any feedback advice would be greatly appreciated. is my site.
You have some amazing shots on your site, I see how you have so many fans. One thing you should do is go into customize gallery settings and turn off the links to forums, all some one has to do is click on it and they can add it to thier site or forum and you do not make a sale but they are using your photo. This could explain your high stats. On my site I do not show large and I proof mark but this might not work for you. The large image can be taken and prints made from it. I had that problem when I first started. Also I would turn off key words from showing on your home page I think you can still see it in the control panel. Other than that I think your site looks great.
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