I tried to get some wrens
that were playing in the bird bath, but the minute they sensed me, they were gone. But I noticed a ton of birds in the back field. I believe they were sparrows. They were moving so fast feeding on the insects in the field that my autofocus really would not work so I switched to manual.
This autofocus did turn out just to give you an idea of what the birds were doing. Do you see them?

Anyhow, I tried to get some action shots on manual. Only three came out. The rest just showed little blurs on the screen. :roflAnd even these aren't that great.
Skimming for insects.

Cruisng along...I like the pic of the wing here.

Can't find anything....back to the trees.

While I was snapping these photos, pesky mockingbird showed up.
Bird on a wire

I did catch this action shot of some bird. I don't know what it is, but it was landing on a branch of a dead tree.

Here is the bird perched.

This one was actually with a friend.

So anyhow, I couldn't get the wrens but I got a few shots anyway.
This autofocus did turn out just to give you an idea of what the birds were doing. Do you see them?

Anyhow, I tried to get some action shots on manual. Only three came out. The rest just showed little blurs on the screen. :roflAnd even these aren't that great.
Skimming for insects.

Cruisng along...I like the pic of the wing here.

Can't find anything....back to the trees.

While I was snapping these photos, pesky mockingbird showed up.
Bird on a wire

I did catch this action shot of some bird. I don't know what it is, but it was landing on a branch of a dead tree.

Here is the bird perched.

This one was actually with a friend.

So anyhow, I couldn't get the wrens but I got a few shots anyway.
Yep, I was pretty sure about that. My birding abilities are improving daily. And they are very acrobatic for sure! Is that a sparrow that I caught landing on that branch?
SmugMug Technical Account Manager
Travel = good. Woo, shooting!
here is the mate with a grasshopper
Thanks. Mine are definitely wrens as well but not that exact kind. I am going to have to sneak up on them or get a bigger telephoto lens.
Thanks. I'll check out the link.