Tough times for digicam makers

Seems everyone but Sony and Canon are losing their shirts, story here.
Maybe there's an opportunity for cheap P&S cameras this xmas season as manufacturers try to dump excess inventory.
Maybe there's an opportunity for cheap P&S cameras this xmas season as manufacturers try to dump excess inventory.
I think its toughER times for digital buyers!!! what this people make in profit is not even funny !! we are hipnotized by technology.
I'm a living exemple ... counting days and pennys until the Nikon D2X starts to sell ... IM SICK!!!
When we gonna have cameras with 80Gb built in the camera ??? seems easy since they have things like the EPSON P-2000 ... or the SMARTDISK ... so we dont have to worry about buying tons of compact flash cards!
We should start to demand more from the makers ... demanding is the only thing that make them get the pen and papper and make something that really doesn't exist yet ...