Sunrise in Denver

Well I took these yesterday and the day before and thought that I would share with ya all. All shot on my Minolta 5D with my 18-200 Minolta DT lens, tripod and a Singh Ray CPL. Just off my deck. Usually I don't shoot much in the way of 'suburbia style' shots but a couple of these I thought worked. C&C most welcomed.

"Capturing Colorado, one click at a time"
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Nice job, my favorite is the first one.
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I've done several of those and I get lower and aim higher so I don't get the house tops...MHO
Life is a compromise of what your ego wants to do, what experience tells you to do, and what your nerves let you do.
Nope... missed it again, but my husband told me all about it! He said that the falling rain turned orange in the sunrise and that there was a heck of a lightning show. Did you manage to catch any shots?
(I agree with the blue tarps - otherwise i like 'em!)
Ya I usually do that as well.,here though it's a tad harder as I would get the rungs from my deck in the shot. Though using my P&S s414 would be easier, I seriously need a right angle view finder
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Ya I did actually, but I couldn't get any of the lightning. You have to start having your husband wake you up!
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Thanks! Good idea on the clone, I appreciate that
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Thanks and ya I will do that
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