Photo Challenger

DGrin is wide spread in the United States and little in the World.
However only a few people post pictures in the Challenges and few people vote: At this moment: 100 persons. Very little.
I am happy that at this moment I am winning. I like that. It means that at least some times I shoot and people like what I do.
Even if I don't win - OK, I am here for the fun of it - it is the recognition of my work.
Thank you to those who voted me.
This thread is not to make any influence on you, who has not voted yet. Vote for what you think it is the best photo.
If the moderator thinks that it is better to erase this thread: go ahead.
I don't mind at all.
However only a few people post pictures in the Challenges and few people vote: At this moment: 100 persons. Very little.
I am happy that at this moment I am winning. I like that. It means that at least some times I shoot and people like what I do.
Even if I don't win - OK, I am here for the fun of it - it is the recognition of my work.
Thank you to those who voted me.
This thread is not to make any influence on you, who has not voted yet. Vote for what you think it is the best photo.
If the moderator thinks that it is better to erase this thread: go ahead.
I don't mind at all.
All the best ! ... António Correia - Facebook
Unsharp at any Speed
Really ? Yes... No ... Who knows ?
It's small Word ...
On another note, you bring up the very good point that I always think about when there is dissagreement about who wins in the photo challenges. I wish there was more voters too. A hundered-some votes spread out over ten photos.... would be way nicer to see the results of three-four hundered votes. Would give a more accurate breakdown. Though for some reason, almost any forum I've been on then to not have many active voters in polls/whatnot. Just one of those things I guess.
She has been in another forum - not photography - some time ago and it was in the US.
She felt as I do, that the persons who come here are from social groups that are not pure intelectuals but have some degree of education (and money).
Not that we - my wife and myself - are some specially clever persons.
I should say that we are a little above the average portuguese people regarding culture.
We are both self-confident what is important.
The group of people here - I dare say that it's about 100/200 - are similar to us but americans.
This is probably the wrongest statement you have ever hear...
Well, this is not a confessionary. Enought.
Cincinnati Smug Leader
Personally, I enjoy all kinds of people........I dont care how much education or money they do or dont have.......I enjoy their photographs
This is a little bit controversial ...
We could talk about it over a good portuguese wine ...
Bom dia Antonio,
Well the Dakar starts in Portugal again in 2007 so you get a vote for that.
I couldn’t care less how much money anyone has and don’t really have any interest in discussing the finer points of photography on a purely intellectual basis. I’ll leave that to Flug.
Here are a couple of shots of Portuguese rider Helder Rodrigues (9th) pottering along without a care in the world.
I'll stick to my South African wine if thats ok...:D
Jerry Lodriguss - Sports Photographer
Reporters sans frontières
hello Bob. Bom dia.
But you have tasted portuguese wine haven't you ?
South African one is very good also.