You Florida boys, count your blessings
I spent the entire day on a sunny 102 degree day in Los Angeles, and considered myself lucky to come away with two shots of this huge Hawk. I think a Cooper's, maybe Ben or Jeff can confirmed the ID.
Nice find william, the 2nd one looks rather terrifying.
Im lucky enough to see these guys on a daily basis but unlucky not to have
a strong enough lens to capture your detail (no dslr yet)
I like that 2nd shot. NANPA member
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Thanks Harry, I envy you, at least during the summer. Today I went out again and found another Hawk (I think he was smaller) and got another shot in the trees, but missed a beautiful in flight capture. My timing has got to improve, or I'll never get this right.
Thanks again Awais, more to come I hope. : :
What's a little hot air. I shoot em where I see um, and found another like your Waldo shot the other day. Time permitting, I'll put it up today. Thanks Cinda.
Hey Ol'e buddy there's no keeping you inside heat wave or not, Iv'e been staying away from the Basin the last couple of weeks.
I saw that cooper a couple of weeks ago down at the burbank end, missed a great flight opportunity talking to a couple of the locals.
I'm going down to SJWR early tomorrow I want to give that Bobcat a run for his money down there.
I might go over to the basin after work today for a couple of hrs, with this heat Iv'e been catching up on some macro stuff in my backyard, FUN.
Take care, hope to see ya soon.
Thanks Froggy. You haven't missed much at the basin, because of the heat, but the hawk is beautiful. I missed the HIF also, but I'm hot on his trail. The weather is improving so I may see you out there, in the meantime good luck Bobcat hunting.
Thank you Crow. My sincere apologies for not responding sooner, but for some reason I jumped past your very nice compliment. If you get to see these guys everyday then get your camera pointed at them anyway, and you'll be in practice when the DSLR arrives. I hope to see your prize winners soon. : : :