Playing with long exposures at OC Fair

Mostly Orange county fair and couple of take off's at the airport. All Long exposure pics. I am posting dialup friendly pics below. To see bigger size, go to the gallery here, The gallery has 21 images, posting few I like the most.
1. This ride was called the Kamikaze. Imagine the pendulm, only that it goes round and round. So you actually get upside down. Scared?

2. Centrifugal/pital force. Put you inside a cylinder, which is level. Spin at high speed, tilt fully. The spinning keeps you from falling. Its another matter that after it stops you cant walk without falling.

3. Unknown but real scary. It spins and whirls. You get to feel G fiorces in every direction. The in the second pic, the top is spinning with people upside down

4.A general view of the fare with couple of merry go rounds featured

5. Up Up and away. A small plane taking off.
1. This ride was called the Kamikaze. Imagine the pendulm, only that it goes round and round. So you actually get upside down. Scared?

2. Centrifugal/pital force. Put you inside a cylinder, which is level. Spin at high speed, tilt fully. The spinning keeps you from falling. Its another matter that after it stops you cant walk without falling.

3. Unknown but real scary. It spins and whirls. You get to feel G fiorces in every direction. The in the second pic, the top is spinning with people upside down

4.A general view of the fare with couple of merry go rounds featured

5. Up Up and away. A small plane taking off.

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"You miss 100% of the shots you don't take" - Wayne Gretzky
I need to get out and do some of these