Adding music to our photo gallery?
Hi all,
I believe we can do this but don't know how (ignoramus that I am!) :dunno . We have a band photo gallery that the band's fans add to. It's marvellous, they're marvellous, we love it!
As the gallery is for a band, we have a really cool album sampler we'd like to run over the photo gallery for people to hear and appreciate (and then maybe buy the album! :wink ).
I know it can be done but I have no clue what the coding is and, more importantly, where to put it! :uhoh
Is there some wonderful bright spark out there who can advise me please? :thumb
Thank you kindly.
Hi all,
I believe we can do this but don't know how (ignoramus that I am!) :dunno . We have a band photo gallery that the band's fans add to. It's marvellous, they're marvellous, we love it!

As the gallery is for a band, we have a really cool album sampler we'd like to run over the photo gallery for people to hear and appreciate (and then maybe buy the album! :wink ).
I know it can be done but I have no clue what the coding is and, more importantly, where to put it! :uhoh
Is there some wonderful bright spark out there who can advise me please? :thumb
Thank you kindly.
The more you ignore me, the closer I get... :1drink