Controlling Pricing of individual Downloads
Thanks very much for the digital download feature!
I have an image that has been sold on the basis that it won't be sold as a Royalty Free Image. Is it possible to turn off downloads on that one image (which would presumably be done by setting the individual prices to 0.00).
Also could you confirm what the resolutions are for 1MP and 4MP (on a "standard" 3:3 format?)
I assume that like printing, if an image is not big enough to satisfy the 1MP/4MP option, then the optiob won't appear in the cart.....
I have an image that has been sold on the basis that it won't be sold as a Royalty Free Image. Is it possible to turn off downloads on that one image (which would presumably be done by setting the individual prices to 0.00).
Also could you confirm what the resolutions are for 1MP and 4MP (on a "standard" 3:3 format?)
I assume that like printing, if an image is not big enough to satisfy the 1MP/4MP option, then the optiob won't appear in the cart.....
Just like all of our prints & gifts, you can price them on a per-imagebasis. If you set the download price to 0.00 on that image, it shouldn't be able to be purchased.
A 3:3 ratio (really a 1:1 ratio) doesn't seem very standard to me, but the formula to figure that one out is pretty simple since both sides are equal. Just square root the desired # of pixels, and you have the size on both sides of the image. For 1Mpix, that means 1000x1000 and and 4Mpix is 2000x2000.
Calculating a more standard size, like 4x6 (2:3), is a little more difficult. Here it is:
$heightRatio = $height / $width;
$widthRatio = $width / $height;
$pixelRatio = $targetPixels * $widthRatio;
$newHeight = round(sqrt($pixelRatio));
$newWidth = round($heightRatio * $newHeight);
And here it is with numbers. 3072x2048 -> 1Mpix:
$heightRatio = 3072 / 2048 = 1.5;
$widthRatio = 2048 / 3072 = 0.66666667;
$pixelRatio = 1000000 * 0.66666667 = 666666.66666667;
$newHeight = round(sqrt(6666666.66666667)) = 816;
$newWidth = round(1.5 * 816) = 1224;
Results in a 1224x816 image, or roughly 1Mpix. I suppose I could use ceil() instead of round() so we're at least 1Mpix, rather than close. Does anyone care?
Yes, if the image isn't large enough, it can't be sold for the various sizes. Obviously, the Original can always be sold.
You'll want to give your customers plenty of information so that they are not surprised at time of download.
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Thanks Don! The 3:3 was my sloppy typing - should have been 3:2!