Sad Day in Seattle

.sorry, someone purchased this photo for a print story and said I could not have it posted on forums.
"I feel way more like I do right now then I did earlier today"
Ted Szukalski - Gallery of Digital Photography
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Bogan Tripod. Gaint Yukon 25' Bike,
Like it or not we most often get what we deserve in the end.
I think many people hate that Israel is slaughtering the Lebanese.
Moderator of: Location, Location, Location , Mind Your Own Business & Other Cool Shots
Bogan Tripod. Gaint Yukon 25' Bike,
Like it or not we most often get what we deserve in the end.
tomthephotographer, it has been played as a hate crime in the media but I think that it is more of a confussed person. if you link to my gallery I have some quotes there from the Seattle Police Chief. None of the reasons cited by the shooter make much sense as far as his shooting up a Jewish Center. His quotes indicate more his being upset with the US and the policy of the US then anything to do with Israel. The flags being held by the man in the photo indicate his support of the USA and Israel. I thought that the photo captured a moment in time with folks grieving the loss of fellow Jews while he displayed support of both nations. Some would argue that the support he seems to be so proud of may have been a catalist to what happened in some way????
While playing a game "Call of duty" i saw a quote
"War ends when man ends" what a horrible thing to do i hope whole world stick to photography instead of spending trillions on Bomb why not buy a high end DSLR to capture a beauty of world
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I am a high profile Muslim and dont hate jews so everyone dont hate jews
but rocket attacks in past justifies civilian casualities in present ? rockets cannot be fired on precise target dozen of them falls in empty areas yet Laser Guided missels are much expensive and hostile and can be fired on target with greater precision but i haven't seen it happening why no full scale ground offensive against hezbollah ?
peace with this war ? Never infat new chapter of distruction is opened
you have to go back in 1940's to see why there is so much hate
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I think a good rule of thumb is not to talk about things you don't know about. Even if you read a major US newspaper every day (say the NY Times or Washington Post), you won't really know anything at all about the situation in Israel. Part of it is how filtered our news is; part of it is how ignorant and careless the press is. News concerning the the region of land between Libya through India is particularly poor. It takes reading several newspapers from several parts of the globe daily, in addition to reading political science journals regularly, to have any real understanding.
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Would anyone want to give some C&C on this pic. This is not my usual type of shot as there was no posing. I think that there are some interesting elements to the photo. I would like to hear what others see and feel about this shot.
A few observations...
1. Interesting and newsworthy event, and worth capturing
2. Exposure is great
3. Post-processing looks good also
1. FACES, FACES, FACES, where are the faces?
2. Horizon is not straight.
3. The cut off feet\lower legs hurt the shot.
4. The shot wasn't taken close enough to draw me in. Very 'voyeurish' and comes off looking more like a snapshot than an engaging emotional moment.
5. I don't really care for the composition in all honesty. Not sure what other positions you had available, but a crop might help.
I believe for a shot like this to stand out you really need to 'be in it' so to speak. Get right up there with a wide angle and interact with the subjects. As shot it could be almost anything-an anniversary, a holiday, etc. By getting in close you could capture the emotion on the faces. I know you were probably trying to get the name of the center over the door in the shot, maybe a portrait crop would help that. You could even leave the name out, just capture the people putting out the flowers and then let your caption give the where and what-fors.
Take care,
I see your points and agree with you. When I took the shot CSI has just pulled out and the PD put all the flowers up by the security gates. All the media crews were on the same side of the street as I was with their Sat Trucks and interview set ups. The sidewalk on the side where the Center is was closed with PD standing just out of camera view to the North and South. I did not feel comfortable going across the street where the folks grieving and the flag guy was. I wish the branches were not in the shot. I did not post process the shot, all processing was done in camera. Maybe I will look at a bit of cropping on it to see what that looks like.
To me, the bottom feels cut off. I reckon the flowers are the story, not the name on the building. So I would have concentrated my composition on showing the flowers etc, and sacrificed the name.
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