Blank page weirdness
I got justa completely blank white full browser window on several successive attempts to load the above page, although it works OK again now...
Bit wierd, whats that all about?:scratch :scratch
I got justa completely blank white full browser window on several successive attempts to load the above page, although it works OK again now...
Bit wierd, whats that all about?:scratch :scratch
Comments & smugmug
yeah it show up fine now but there were these three or four times when it just presented a whole blank white window never had that happen on SM ( or anywhere else for that matter - no biggie - just curious
A dropped packet causes an unrecoverable interruption in the "painting" of the web page by the browser. The blank white page is an example. The handshaking between server and browser gets far enough to clear the screen, then gets confused by a dropped packet, and then just sits there.
Hit the browser refresh button and see what happens.
yeah tried tthe refresh a few times -dint do it - but as I say _ I havent hasd a repeat (YET) so its still a bit of a mystery, in fcat I dont think it has ever happened before anywhere - which is why I was so baffled
I had one or two blank pages and some that loaded without the css file to arrange things.
Looks all good now ... well until America wakes up again.