challenge 70: Contrast on many levels

New to the group and thought I'd try out this challenge. Any thoughts or comments would be appreciated. We have contrast on new/old, color/bw and shadow/light. There is a lot going on in the photo, too much? Dizzy
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Art Gallery
and im not sure if its a subconscious idea you made but i like the 'new person' on dgrin submitting his/her first entry with the word 'new' on it.
def turn it in. just remember, the largest size on any side has too be 800px and no more than 150kb. i made that mistake in my first time too!
good luck!
Thank you for your post, I'm glad that you like it:D . (The 'new' was purely accidental) I did go back and check the size on the photo as well as in the rules. I think it will be's just a little taller and skinnier than most. It comes in at 493 width by 600 length, and I believe that fits the requirments, right? Again thanks for the feedback, I sure want to do this right.:): Dizzy
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My Gallery
My thanks to those who commented and welcomed me to the forum. It's been a long time since I've been able to be a part of a group for photographic discussion and I think I'm going to like it here:D . THX - Dizzy, one of the spinnindragons.
Art Gallery
Maybe crop it a little tighter to cut out some of the background. Maybe that will emphasize the edges of the sign a little more to show the "contrast".
but i cant for my life figure ut what it is??...probably just me..
neither can I
my stuff is here.....
Thank you Adrian and is truly the best compliment I can get from someone to say that they don't know what the picture is but they like it.:D This is an old jewelry store sign in the city I live in. It is Newtons Jewerly and the old neon sign says Newtons. If you check out my art gallery you can see a little more of the sign, unfortunately I didn't shoot a full shot of the sign. I guess it's a personal preference not to shoot the whole of something like this, I like my parts.:):
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