recommend a teen friendly caribbean vacation destination, please

3 teens - 16, 14, 12
all inclusive
beach & pool, sun, sand and bottomless drinks and food.
activities for them
relaxation for us
tell me where you would go.......
all inclusive
beach & pool, sun, sand and bottomless drinks and food.
activities for them
relaxation for us
tell me where you would go.......
BTW, there isn't really one I didn't like (I've been to a lot of them), but I would stay away from Jamaica and some of the lesser known ones like Grenada or St. Vincent. Anguila, Antigua, Aruba, Bermunda, Barbados, and Puerto Rico were all good (with PR be careful, some of the hotels have beaches that are too rocky to use safely most of the time, so be sure to ask the agent).
PS: Too hot for Kelso, who's gonna watch him?
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Hmmm, granted this was many many years ago, but when my dad owned his own travel agency, a person once walked in VERY angry because of how bad Sandals had been (he hadn't even booked if for her, she had just picked up a brochure at his office...people are strange). He considered Beaches to be better on the whole, but I think it says something that we never ever used on of those all inclusive things. I had missed the all inclusive thing earlier. Each one is run differently. Honestly, your best bet is to go through a travel agent, and not one of those ones who works for a big national chain (American Express). See if you can find a good stand alone (or local chain) one. Most of them went bankrupt years ago, but a few are still out there, and they tend to know how good each particular program is.
Andy - I looked into beaches - WOW, what great is fully booked!
I did a quick survey of my kids yesterday, just to see if we were all on the same page wrt 'ideal'. and we are. so - caribbean and all inclusive. We've done both condos and all inclusive, and I love the freedom that the kids can have at an all inclusive, plus the freedom from cooking, worrying about mess etc.
But the problem for us is we are a family of 5 and finding rooms spacious enough or resorts with adjoining rooms is difficult. And we are in Edmonton so it is not always easy to find flights. As well, we haven't travelled for almost three years, so our needs are quite different now in terms of, beach, other teens - no longer need the 'kid club' stuff.
In any case, beaches is sold out for Christmas, and quite a bit out of our price range this year. So I am open to other suggestions. It will go on my list of places, though - looks great.
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Here's a tip, be sure to name EVERY membership you have and ask if there is a discount for that membership. I don't know about all inclusive, but sometimes the AAA rate can even beat the rate that they give travel agents to test the hotel (i.e. to recommend the hotel to their customers) (even at 5 star hotels where you wouldn't typically think there is a AAA rate). They won't tell you unless you ask, but if you ask you might be pleasently surprised.