allensphoto wrote: outstanding reason for a new camera...
allensphoto wrote: take lot of pix .. they grow soooooooooooo fast...
stowne wrote: Part of the reason I upgraded to the new Digital Rebel was to catch photos of my son. He's 12 weeks old in this shot. And mine started driving this week.:eek1 :eek1 :eek1 What a beautiful baby...thank gawd digital is film costs!!!! Congrats!!! Mandi
and new lenses. You'll want a nice portrait lens soon, then as he gets bigger and won't hold still, you'll need the ability to zoom, so here comes the 70-200 Don't forget the bigger telephoto lenses as they get into sports (and so it begins )
I agree w/ that statement. My 12 yo son is w/in an inch of catching me and I'm not short!
have fun stowe!
check out my (sports) pics:
*Thanks to Boolsacho for the avatar photo (from the dgrin portrait project)
Life is a compromise of what your ego wants to do, what experience tells you to do, and what your nerves let you do.
thanks for the comments!
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