Problems with Lexar 2GB flash cards with Canon cameras

I just recently bought a Lexar 2GB Platinum II Flash card shot with it this weekend and when I tried to copy my photos to my computer I was only able to copy about two thirds of them. After looking on the web I notice that people using these cards with Canon camera's have been having problems. Has anyone here been having similar problems? :dunno
I've probably used it for about 6 to 8 sessions of about 100 to 200 images each. Everything saved, downloaded and the card re-formatted without any problems. I'm using the card in a new 30D.
I will occasionally delete really obviously bad images "in camera" and I will even delete some of them from the EOS browser window before downloading from the card to my PC (so these are individual photo deletes from the card).
I don't do a mass delete from the EOS browser after downloading, instead, before I start shooting again, I always reformat the card in the camera to delete the image files.
Did you check compatability charts to make sure it would work?
Also a quick call to Lexar might be advisable especially if you can be online at the same time.....they ran a diagnostic over the phone and replaced my card asap.....
Good luck
Should have mentioned that am also using a 30D.
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I didn't see the Canon 30D on their problematic camera list, and my cards part number was not one that was not listed as one needing a new firmware. I popped them off an email, but will do as you said and give them a call.
Update:Spent some time with Lexar's live online support, did some diagnostics and they are going to replace the card!
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