Problems Saving a "Quick Settings" in Gallery Customization...

Hi there -
I'm following these steps to save a quick settings profile in gallery Customization:
Quick settings (in the box along the top): it always defaults to set options manually.
You can create your own templates that you can use each time you create a new gallery. Choose save settings below as ... from the pull-down menu in the gray box. Type in a name for your new template. Set your gallery options. Then click save.
But after I click "save", I go to a new gallery and hit "Bulk Settings" to apply the new saved settings to other galleries, but alas - the new profile I just saved isn't coming up as an option.
Please help. Thanks...
I'm following these steps to save a quick settings profile in gallery Customization:
Quick settings (in the box along the top): it always defaults to set options manually.
You can create your own templates that you can use each time you create a new gallery. Choose save settings below as ... from the pull-down menu in the gray box. Type in a name for your new template. Set your gallery options. Then click save.
But after I click "save", I go to a new gallery and hit "Bulk Settings" to apply the new saved settings to other galleries, but alas - the new profile I just saved isn't coming up as an option.
Please help. Thanks...
Ryan Oakley - [My smugmug site] [My blog about creating a part-time photography business]
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Are you clicking the save button on the right? What is your browser and system? Are you sure you are logged in as account owner and not guest?
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Hey Andy - yeah, I'm logging is as the owner of the site. And I was clicking the save button on the right.
System is Windows XP - and I've tried it in FireFox and IE6 now.
Thanks for looking into it... [My blog about creating a part-time photography business]
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No dice, Andy.
I had a previously saved quick setting which I just deleted (with the thought that perhaps there's only room for one special saved setting). It deleted all right, but I still can't save a new setting... [My blog about creating a part-time photography business]
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Hey Andy - I wanted to bring this up again, cause it's still not working. How can I get this fixed??? Has anyone else had this problem?
Please help. Thanks, [My blog about creating a part-time photography business]
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- I am starting with this gallery which is password protected.
- Then to "Customize Gallery"
- Then "Quick Settings" -->"save settings below as..."
- Giving it a name like "auto"
- Then I make sure all my settings are how I want them
- Then I hit "save" at the top of the page
- Nothing shows up as saved so I go to another gallery to see if I can apply the new saved setting and nothing shows up.
I have also tried moving step 5 to just after step 2 --- same result. I am using IE6, but like I mentioned earlier, I have also tried with FireFox. I have tried clearing my cache --- and still nothing. And I can't think of any other problems I've had of this nature when browsing...I can try it on a different computer at work tomorrow if you can't think of anything. It is very frustrating though as I would like to use the "bulk settings" feature on my plethora of galleries.
Thanks for looking into it Andy. [My blog about creating a part-time photography business]
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Do that please, the feature is working properly for us on all browsers.
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No problem. I let you know how it goes tomorrow.
Question --- what site are you using to check the feature? Mine, yours, or what? [My blog about creating a part-time photography business]
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Portfolio • Workshops • Facebook • Twitter odd. [My blog about creating a part-time photography business]
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Andy - just tried it on my work computer --- and no dice. I'm still not getting it to save...
Bummer [My blog about creating a part-time photography business]
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I'm sorry this feature isn't working for you. Just to clarify, there should be no problem in creating more than one quick setting. This feature appears to be functioning to both me and Andy, but if it's buggy... we'd love to find out how so we can fix it!
Please try this:
1) Go here:
2)Toggle the "geography" option to "yes".
3)Click on "Set Everything Manually" to open that dropdown menu. Can you see "annetest" as an option?
4)Scroll down to "save settings below as..."
5)Type in "test".
6)Click "save"
7) You should be taken back to your gallery. Go into customize gallery again and look for your new quick setting.
Thanks for your patience in helping us get this pinned down.
OK, that worked in that public gallery.
But I tried the same thing in this gallery and it didn't work -
Does it not work on password protected galleries???
Thanks, [My blog about creating a part-time photography business]
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Whew! I'm glad you stuck to your guns on this one. It looks like a bug, but a very elusive one. I haven't heard anyone else come across it. I'll work on getting it pinned down. It's not as simple as password-protected or not, unfortunately.
Cool - sounds like I done good. Do I get a treat??? Huh, do I do I??? [My blog about creating a part-time photography business]
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Ok here you go, it's summertime, so let's enjoy the best of summer!
Fresh tomato, basil, mozzarella
Corn on the cob
Beef tenderloin, and marinated shrimp
Strawberry cheesecake
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This bug was a *cough* bugger to pin down... but it looks like having an apostrophe (') in either your gallery password or gallery password hint causes the quick setting feature to choke. I've reported it and we'll look into fixing it.
Thanks for your patience!
Great - now that I've licked my computer screen......shesh..... [My blog about creating a part-time photography business]
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Anne - do we have an update on this bug?
Thanks, [My blog about creating a part-time photography business]
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EDIT: If it needs to be said, in the meantime if you need to make a quick setting, you can make sure you don't have apostrophes in your password and password hint.
Do I understand that right? If I get rid of any apostrophes in my password and/or password hint, then quick settings will work just fine?
Well that's no problem at all! [My blog about creating a part-time photography business]
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You got it! And that is why it isn't really a huge-impact bug. Still... we'll get it fixed.
OK, I've made the changes to my galleries using "auto1" and "true1" - and everything worked fine.
thanks Anne.... [My blog about creating a part-time photography business]
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I've had precisely the same problem - that's why I just registered for DGrin.
I also submitted a help request, and am copying below my speculation.
Update: I see that I also had an apostrophe in the password hint. My bad.
So, it seems that if a user has no templates, creates a template,
deletes it, and then attempts to set up a new template, they're unable
to do so. I suspect the other accounts used for testing had already
had multiple templates, and that somehow it wasn't possible to
reproduce his (or my) settings.
Maybe there's something in the code regarding counting the number of
templates that's buggy? (E.g. starts @ 0, then goes to 1, but then
goes down to, say, -1, and is unable to go up to 1, because it
increments to 0? I've done that.
mistyped foo = 1). Just an idea.
I have a single quick setting named "default".
I go to one of my test galleries and under the "set everything manually" setting, change the "ext. links" from yes to no.
I select "save settings below as ..." and enter "defaut" and click on the "save" button to the right.
So far so good.
Then I go to bulk settings to apply this to all my test galleries.
And, lo and behold, when look at my gallery my change has reverted to yes.
Clicking on the "default" quick setting also shows the reversion, just as if the change were never really saved.
Any help here would be appreciated. Thanks. Jeff Hill.
Okay...Can this be done?
Quick settings with all the options I want, and a new theme (chosen from list)...saved as a new name (appears they do not overwrite if you try to change setting or two and save with same name ?)...anyway, saves...but...
What am I missing about bulk settings?? Shouldn't I be able to go in and choose all the galleries I want to have these settings/new theme and then hit "apply" ??
It takes me back to the customize gallery screen and no changes there....and none in all the galleries I just checked in bulk settings.
What did I miss? Isn't that what the feature is for? Please tell me it's something simple...I have a dozen galleries I want to change to this other color theme...not one by one though :cry
BTW, the galleries I am trying to change have my custom theme (sitewide) chosen for the theme option.
And you'll need to apply the new template you make, to each gallery you want to have these settings. OK?
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Thanks...Was defaulting to checking DGrin before SM help pages...oops!
You mean I have to go into the customize gallery to change those things that do not get changed by quick settings? Not sure what you mean by "template" new theme, or quick setting? I was using the bulk settings and choosing all the galleries that would need those settings...this should still work, right? I would just need to go in to change the theme etc (what's not changed with quick settings)...? [My blog about creating a part-time photography business]
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