Crown Fountain ~ 99 degrees F heat index 110F

It's been extremely hot these past 3 days in Chicago, too hot to even be out shooting. I called it quits after a few miles of walking and 2 hours in the heat.

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This fountain has become a source of life like no other piece of artwork I've ever seen. It has trasnformed what was once dead space in the city into a vibrant celebration of the citizens of Chicago. Perhaps more so than any other place in the city the racial and socio-economic barriers and perceptions are lost in the joy of children.

Gallery link
This fountain has become a source of life like no other piece of artwork I've ever seen. It has trasnformed what was once dead space in the city into a vibrant celebration of the citizens of Chicago. Perhaps more so than any other place in the city the racial and socio-economic barriers and perceptions are lost in the joy of children.
Thanks for sharing,
but pffft.. 93..95..105? thats nothing.
With 85% humidity it makes 117 in Las Vegas feel like a nice cool breeze.
ding ding ding! We have a winner! You have to figure in the walking through water factor. Like I said before "Dear God please don't let there be a fire today!" Or as a fat man (me) once said, "crap I'm sweating and all I'm doing is breathing."
I Live at
I've been to Chicago in the summer time and I have nothing to complain
about (well, except several hours crossing Nevada on a motorcycle a
couple of weeks back