Canon 350D flash pc cord question?

Does the 350D have a pc socket to trigger the flash with a pc cord or do I need a hotshoe adapter?
what cord should I ask for?
what hotshoe adapter should I ask for?
what cord should I ask for?
what hotshoe adapter should I ask for?
The Canon dRebel 350D/XT does not have a PC socket, so if you have a flash with a PC cord connection you will need an adapter.
Be carefull using older flashes with "any" modern digital camera as some older flashes have a very large "trigger voltage" that can damage, and even destroy, a digiral camera.
Moderator of the Cameras and Accessories forums
I wanted to try using my new 580 flash with the monopod technique suggested on Strobist with my Rebel XT, but he seems to be a Nikon guy.
Any cord you need, can dream of or just wondered about. Canon ETTL cord in any length shorter and longer and ETTL cords modded to include a PC-sync.
Paramount Cords does make custom length cords for Canon TTL, but they are very expensive.
For this situation of off camera use, I would recommend a simple "Auto" type flash and a radio slave, or even a slaved manual flash. I am not sure that E-TTL II is really required.
Moderator of the Cameras and Accessories forums
Several Nikons sync at 1/500th and many digicams sync to their max shutter speed. You can also use an ND filter to control ambient light.
TTL is certainly convenient and FP/HSS is useful, but they are not the only means to the ends.
Moderator of the Cameras and Accessories forums
Valid points!
Actually, it's worse than you think as the Canon XT only syncs to 1/200th. Daylight can be a pain.
Fair enough, you win! (But DGrinners are the real winners because they get to hear both of us "thinking".):):
Moderator of the Cameras and Accessories forums
Anybody know how to say pc cord in mandarin? they tied to get me to buy a cord and two offshoe adapter for either end. all in all coming to $100. THIS CANNIE BE RIGHT?
looked at the integral off camera canon cord but that is only for hand held flash jazz. $68, I need something longer.
how much should a PC cord cost?
At the simplest, you want this:
and then add an appropriate pc-pc extension cable:
Again, if you have an older flash, it may have damaging "trigger voltage", so you may need to use this protection:
Moderator of the Cameras and Accessories forums