royal flush

20d, tripod mounted, 35mm f/1.4 aboard at f/5.6. in post, converted from raw, adjust the white and blackpoints in curves, local contrast enhancement via curves (on the human hand, only). lighting: window light, with a white foam board reflector used for some fill.
happy thanksgiving to you u.s. dgrinners!

enjoy (getting lucky) photography,
sam, thank so much! i'm trying to challenge myself along with the rest of you guys this time
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We both thought the lunchbags were fantastic!!
I don't think I want to play poker with you tho, Andy..
Moderator of the Technique Forum and Finishing School on Dgrin
thanks gubbs and mrs. gubbs !
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i do enjoy a good gaame of poker
look out for my cribbage game, too.....
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hiya rutt, how've you been lately? thanks for the kind words, and yeah, it's a cinch. stop at any craft store / art supply house...
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