This blows the Wacom out of the water

Wandering Through Life Photography
MM Portfolio
Canon 30D | Canon 50mm f/1.8 | Tamron 28-75mm f/2.8 | Canon Speedlite 580ex
MM Portfolio
Canon 30D | Canon 50mm f/1.8 | Tamron 28-75mm f/2.8 | Canon Speedlite 580ex
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had a feeling you would
get me one while you're at it
MM Portfolio
Canon 30D | Canon 50mm f/1.8 | Tamron 28-75mm f/2.8 | Canon Speedlite 580ex
Tom Cruise did that with like 5 monitors back in '02....
(Minority Report iirc)
While I'm impressed with the technology, the demo left me
Lava lamps?
Even the light table example looked like it could get ugly real quick...
I think they could use some help with the presentation and the speaker (yes-I know he developed it). He definately seemed out of his element.
But the technology-
The technology looks cool, and quite possibly even useful.
Bi-manual interaction is a fairly neat area of research. There's another guy in my office here who does research in bi-manual interaction stuff, but with 'tangible' user interfaces.
However, I do wish the guy would stop making comments such as 'the user interface disappears', which are just obviously flawwed, and start to look somewhat ironic when 20 seconds later he pulls up an onscreen QUERTY keyboard, his comments on which seemed to me to be simply pointless.
I presume that he is just simplifying for the purpose of a trade show.
The technology looks interesting and useful, but perhaps not in the way it is being demoed.
But I agree with him, I'm sure we can do better than we currently have in terms of HCI.
Just my €0.02