Farm-belt Vs. Road-belt???? Help!!!!

Shot this today without any idea of using it for the challenge until I started processing it, and then it struck me how many kinds of contrast are in the image (aside from the processing used). I see tools of labor vs. tools of pleasure or fun, at the same time it shows old vs. new, or anique vs modern. How about Farm-belt vs. Road-belt? :rofl Any ideas for a title? Comments welcome on the shot and processing.

Title? "Back to the future":):
I don't think I can's on private property and this is the best angle I could get. I'll drive by and take another look-see. :uhoh
Anyway, its a great photo for the challenge
Your welcome... i can never make out what or when of the contests or the challenges... lol. I hope(i'm sure) you did good. I liked that one tho.