Mac security eh?

So David your lovely macs are perfectly secure eh?
That's right guys. They hacked and took complete control of a macbook in 60 seconds.
Here's a quote:
" ........ultimately decided to run the demo against a Mac due to what Maynor called the "Mac user base aura of smugness on security."
"We're not picking specifically on Macs here, but if you watch those 'Get a Mac' commercials enough, it eventually makes you want to stab one of those users in the eye with a lit cigarette or something," Maynor said. "
That's right guys. They hacked and took complete control of a macbook in 60 seconds.
Here's a quote:
" ........ultimately decided to run the demo against a Mac due to what Maynor called the "Mac user base aura of smugness on security."
"We're not picking specifically on Macs here, but if you watch those 'Get a Mac' commercials enough, it eventually makes you want to stab one of those users in the eye with a lit cigarette or something," Maynor said. "
Everyone Has A Photographic Memory. Some Just Do Not Have Film.
Hey, don't misquote me.
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Second part's very true. First can't even buy a Mac without a wireless card , so why would you ever put a 3rd party in? Seems to be a very small issue.
EDIT: The G5 desktops (you know that ones that will be replaced in 4 days
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Catapultam habeo. Nisi pecuniam omnem mihi dabis, ad caput tuum saxum immane mittam
What is the phrase I'm searching for? Oh yeah: "pride goeth before the fall" or something like that. It's ugly then the house of cards comes tumbling down. BTW, what do you guys that fall under the "smug users" banner who've been pounding on XP users for so long expect?
Not to say this isnt a legitimate concern, but its a concern that the entire WiFi industry needs to fix, not Apple. So everyone needs to dig deeper in this & see what exactly it is before ranting about Apple being unsecure & pointing fingers at Mac users.
Not to say Macs cant be breached in some way, but this sure aint it. These guys clearly had motives since they used a MacBook & they have done these kinds of "hacks" on Apple stuff before. Sorry to disappoint all you XP users. Next!
Wow, you leave the front door to your house unlocked, intentionally, and then you are surprised that a burgler walks in and takes your television? And this somehow points to a Mac vulnerability equal to that found on Windows? I guess when you're a Windows user you grasp at whatever straws you can find.
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"During the course of our interview, it came out that Apple had leaned on Maynor and Ellch pretty hard not to make this an issue about the Mac drivers -- mainly because Apple had not fixed the problem yet. Maynor acknowledged that he used a third-party wireless card in the demo so as not to draw attention to the flaw resident in Macbook drivers. But he also admitted that the same flaws were resident in the default Macbook wireless device drivers, and that those drivers were identically exploitable. And that is what I reported.
I stand by my own reporting, as according to Maynor and Ellch it remains a fact that the default Macbook drivers are indeed exploitable."
I have no problem with them specifically using a Mac for the demo, even though I'm a lifetime Mac user. Too many Mac users are too arrogant about this subject and I don't mind them getting a cautionary reminder once in a while. without them ...whom would we bait
I 'spose you'd have to get a life...
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Gus, you are so easily amused. Go watch the ants.
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Agreed. The same goes for the lovers though. Both the Mac and the Win lovers.
When they do that, break out your new macro lens and shoot a few. I'd like to see that!
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"Pretty soon any debate with Microsoft over security can be ended in one round when Apple stands up, says 'launchd,' and sits back down."
And of course this one, which hasn't been mentioned in this thread yet...
MacBook wireless driver exonerated in Wi-Fi hack
What I understood of the first was for the second, yeah, what a bunch of hooey that whole WIFI vulnerability thing was. They're just jealous.
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Those 2 guys are completely full of it. They did this stuff before on Macs & now they are trying to say they used a MacBook just because?? Yeah, right. Their whole setup was total BS from the start. It would be like me leaving the front door to my house wide open, hanging a big neon sign out on the lawn that says "No one is home, door open, please take what you want!" and going on vacation for 2 weeks, then coming home to a ransacked house & saying "Holy Sh*t! My house was robbed!! POS door didnt keep the bad guys out!!"
You can't help but feel sorry for the guy.
I don't care who you are, that right there is funny.
...and so it continues...:duel