need to upgrade ps
Okay, I have a couple of new books--Scott Kelby, etc--and clearly it's time to upgrade my antique (v. 5) version of Photoshop. What am I looking for? CS2? Elements? What is the difference between the two? And where is the best place to purchase? Thanks for your help, much appreciated, as always.
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Nice job on the books, Kelby's great!
Catapultam habeo. Nisi pecuniam omnem mihi dabis, ad caput tuum saxum immane mittam
Been trnsitioning into digital over past couple of years. I shoot for a local newspaper, also do family and wedding photography, part time. I don't support myself entirely but it's a big love, and I like to do things well. Have darkroom experience, am very interested in upgrading my ps skills, and while I don't expect I will need every single feature in CS2 I think I would like the options. I've been slogging along with basic ps skills for several years, have only just recently begun delving beneath the surface. No turning back now. - Edgartown News - Trad Diary - Facebook
I also have Rick Sammon's Digital Editing Workshop book. Have not heard him mentioned here, but I am enjoying it. I found a source for a student discount for CS2 Premium--$389, including training dvd's. Found it via the link provided by Gus, above. I'm a student, so I believe I qualify for an academic discount. But there's no manual--that's the deal with the student rate. Whaddyah think? - Edgartown News - Trad Diary - Facebook
A good compromise would be go to ebay and pick up a used version of CS (not CS2) - I've found it's the perfect set of functions for my needs.
$389 should get you the entire CS2 Suite, which you most likely don't need. Photoshop CS2 is $300
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