SONY DSC-F828 problem. Looking for users or help forum

drcarldrcarl Registered Users Posts: 104 Major grins
edited August 6, 2006 in Cameras
Am having a weird thing happening with my 828 in "P" mode. Seems like the camera can't decide between aperture/shutter combos and toggles between settings like crazy. Viewfinders toggle between dark and normal at the same time. When this happens, the toggling is at a rate of about 3 or 4 times per second.

Sometimes powering off helps but it's very random. I did the firmware update to ver. 2. Another possible clue is that on a sunny day, it's hard to believe that at ISO 64, a shot of the garden (in full sun) has to have 1/30th of a second instead of something like 1/200th. [and taken at 1/30th it looks fine, by the way. Maybe THAT's why some of my shots have been unexpectedly blurry!]

I keep trying to duplicate the problem and am getting lost since there are so many things to play with, and since it's a random thing. One time, I thought that changing the ISO (like from 64 too 800 or from 400 to 64) can start the problem...but then, no. Just now (aiming at the deck), I found having the frame like, 95% "open shade" and 5% full sun caused it to freak out and I can hear the aperture click-click-click away in seeming confusion while I watch it toggle between f-2.8 and 3.2...while the shutter toggled between 1/30th and 1/25th or whatever...sheesh. I think it usually happens in darker situations, but then again, maybe not.

I notice that the sample images I just shot and opened in Photoshop/file info/camera data 1, ~do~ show the F-Stops but ~not~ the shutter speeds. Hmmm. How come? (Is it because I am in "Normal Program" ["P"] mode?

Maybe I'm loosing just doesn't seem like the camera would need such a slow shutter speed with all this light!

Broke-out the Nikon (wow - NICE looking through glass again) to compare meter readings. Nikon: 125th @ f5.6 vs. Sony 1/30th @ f2.2...what's up with that??? Yes, both were set on 64.

Will pressing the reset button help it? Will that make my firmware upgrade go away?


I'd like to know....
  1. what's this that I am seeing?
  2. if there are others experiencing this
  3. where there is a users group or forum I can post this
  4. who's good at Sony diagnostics besides Sony?
  5. is it me? -have I selected a setting that causes this?
Just found out my nephew bought it off of e-bay. No receipt; out of warrantee anyway.

I'm greatly appreciative for your reading this and for any answers/advice/referrals you might offer me.


dr carl


  • SeymoreSeymore Banned Posts: 1,539 Major grins
    edited August 6, 2006
    You may want to ask over @ DPD. Used to be
  • drcarldrcarl Registered Users Posts: 104 Major grins
    edited August 6, 2006
    [...ask over @ DPD. [/quote]

    Thanx, Seymore
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