"In Spite Of...!"

R’ was thrown into a relationship at the age of 14 that became a prison, solitary confinement and torture chamber for 3 years. She was a victim of humiliation, violence and rape.
G’ lost her mother and began her downfall – an addiction to drugs at the age of 14 under the patronage of a drug dealer who cruelly exploited her addiction, her despair and readiness to do anything for the next dose.
P’ was parted from her family at the age of 7. She vividly remembers the day a social worker and two policemen came to her home and took her sister and herself to a foster family. Under the patronage of the foster mother she felt a step-daughter and a slave.
T’ was abandoned by her mother at the age of 10, when her mother left her home with another man. One year later her father died. At the age of 11, against her will, she became a mother and an educational figure for her younger sister. The two wandered between foster homes and were victims of violence and rape.
............................................. read & see more
A very well told story that has taken you a large amount of time and effort.
Well done.
Jerry Lodriguss - Sports Photographer
Reporters sans frontières
check out my (sports) pics: ColleenBonney.smugmug.com
*Thanks to Boolsacho for the avatar photo (from the dgrin portrait project)
Nir Alon
images of my thoughts
It is a sad world that such "institutions" as this hostel need to exist ... but it is equally good such places are available.
Even though you did an exceptional job with the photos ... this photos are secondary to the girls and their stories. Yet the stories would loose impact without the photo and vice versa ... this is photo journalism, a seamless weaving of text and images.
In this particular case, the senergy from this weaving leaves an indelible mark on the viewer.
Good job!
Unsharp at any Speed
i am proud of the result and aware of the emotional impact on viewers. my wife has been a social worker for 25 years and has seen almost all there is to see. still she could not hold back the tears when she viewed the complete project for the first time.
photo journalism is a field i feel i can do something significant in. it's very challenging in the sense you define in advance what it is you intend to shoot and then go out and try to get it. very rewarding when you are able to get the message through to your audience.
the difficulty is a project like this requires close and intimate relationships with many people. you need to be very careful not to disappoint anyone in these relationship. and in preparing the final product for exhibition there is a very tricky line between displaying your subjects with dignity or unfairly 'using' them simply as subjects.
without a doubt this six-month project has been my most difficult photographic challenge, i put a lot into it, but it has also been the most rewarding emotionally. financially ... well that's another story.
thank you all for your kind words!
Nir Alon
images of my thoughts
Nir, as a former photo journalist ... one does not pursue this career for the money ... it is in one's blood. Journalism is more of an adventure than a job. And a journalist for a major news organization, journalism is more a lifestyle than a career.
Unsharp at any Speed