
I didn't have time to grab my tripod I'm afraid so they're all hand held and a little fuzzyish. Really weird sky though. The first four were taken just outside my house and the last two near my neighbours, quarter of a mile down the track. The house picture is of my neighbours house which burned a couple of weeks back.

I didn't sell out, I bought in.
Did you use any grad ND filters or is overcoming great contrasts purely PS work?
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Hi Ana,
I did use an ND grad for them as well as the polariser. I had the grad slid quite far up in the holder though so it only affected the top. It was too dark to have it far down with the camera hand held. Surprisingly little PS work on these pics actually, nature got it good enough
These are just totally outstandingly gorgeous!
The burned house is almost spooky, I bet I bit more tweaking in PS and it would look "haunted"
I lost my polarising filter :cry Most likely it'll show up next time I clean out my car (It's been a while!)
i especially like the vertical of the house!
Nir Alon
images of my thoughts
This one is my favorite:
The cloud formationand the foreground architecture really work well together. Even the vignetting seems to work ok.