*Ch. 26-Snappy's House

Levis & flannel - Comments?

I'm at my son's house in Connecticut. I can't reshoot my perfume bottles here, so I tried a pile of my grandsons' jeans. I'm not sure if I like the flanel, I'm thinking of trying just the jeans. Any ideas?

I'm at my son's house in Connecticut. I can't reshoot my perfume bottles here, so I tried a pile of my grandsons' jeans. I'm not sure if I like the flanel, I'm thinking of trying just the jeans. Any ideas?
"A wise man will make more opportunities than he finds." - Francis Bacon
Susan Appel Photography My Blog
Susan Appel Photography My Blog
The kids keep their school bags and outer wear in a basket by the door.
Susan Appel Photography My Blog
I like those bright colors too.
Susan Appel Photography My Blog
Very nice - Crisp, sharp, with good primary colors - Much better than the perfume bottles. I think the levis and flannels may be slightly better to my eye - that is what I wear when not at work too.
I think the subtle diagonal line of the flannel is a nice touch to bring some movement to what could be a static scene too. Nicely done!
Moderator of the Technique Forum and Finishing School on Dgrin
I really didn't think there was any problem with the brightness on the yellow jacket. It's not completely blown out. There is still some yellow there. It's simply a highlight. However I tried it again. This time I'm afraid there might be too much detail, but I'll wait for your opinions. Thanks.
Susan Appel Photography My Blog
Cincinnati Smug Leader
I am not at home either, and I have no entry at this point. Naturally I have taken photos at my son's house. The other night.
I don't think they are eligible, because it is not my house. Different from you, my shots do all include people. I have not uploaded them to a computer.
I could and then make a CD to take home. There is a shot I would like to use, but I have just assumed.......???
Anyway, have a good trip. I do enjoy those bright colors.
I reshot the jeans without the flannel. Any comments on this one?
Susan Appel Photography My Blog