Any advice for my first paying photo gig (group of 13)?

A friend of a friend e-mailed me about a family portait session and we set it up for this Saturday. I am just starting to get comfortable with a subject or two in good lighting. This is 13 people (9 adults and 4 kids - 5, 2, and 2 infants) in the family's backyard at 2pm!
My didital Rebel with 28-200 Sigma lens, 2 1gig memory cards and an extra battery are the extent of my equipment. I plan on picking up a tripod this week. Anything else I must have?
Any advice you can give will be greatly appreciated!
My didital Rebel with 28-200 Sigma lens, 2 1gig memory cards and an extra battery are the extent of my equipment. I plan on picking up a tripod this week. Anything else I must have?
Any advice you can give will be greatly appreciated!
If you have a flash might bring it along for fill if you need it.
Maybe some poster board to reflect light (or reflector)
I think the lens you have should do ok
Remember to open the lens to isolate your subjects.
Take lots of shots...just in case...I think I would shoot in burst mode
I would think that your 2nd or 3rd shot in burst would be the better shots.
I don't think I helped you much but others better at this will chime in.
Let us know how you did
That time of day I would worry about the harsh shadows produced by the sun. If the sun is in their eyes they squint, if it is behind them you get harsch shadows across their faces. If you can find a shaded area that they all can be in and then use a flash. That or move the time to 6pm when there is still sunlight, but the sun is not overhead. I would never do an outdoor shoot at 2pm if I could avoid it at all possible. If you can scout the location one day at 2pm to see what I mean.
6pm was the time I wanted, but the whole family could only do 2, and sister is moving to FL soon, so 2 it is! I did warn them about the lighting. I guess they have quite a bit or property, so I'm hoping there will be some good trees with nice even shade. Thanks!
I may get blasted because I don't think this is the norm and I am sure there are better solutions - but - I have used sheets of glossy white foam-core-board (from Hobby Lobby) to make a large reflector. Seemed to work okay for me. If it's windy, or even breezy, the sheets need a holder (I use my daughter
"Tis better keep your mouth shut and be thought of as an idiot than to open your mouth and remove all doubt"
Hey as long as it works.
take a friend and get there early. find your location, take some shots of your friend to line up lighting and focus before the group assembles - waste your time not theirs.
my words, my "pro"pictures, my "fun" pictures, my videos.