hijacking images & watermarks.....
so its come to my attention that anyone w/ a little computer savvy can hijack an image off the site despite the R click protection feature. So knowing this do most of the pro users here add a light opacity watermark..or don't really bother w/ it? I just added a light opacity one to a gallery but don't really care for how it looks.. anyone have any thoughts or experiences they'd like to share?
Just to clarify, it's not this site specifically. If someone really wants an image badly enough from anywhere on the internet, they will get it.
Firstly, enable "Protected" because there are more smarts going on here than just right-click protection.
Secondly, disable access to "Originals" and perhaps "Large" if required.
And finally, since the new custom watermarking feature has been released, I would suggest that the majority of Pros have been watermarking their images.
SmugMug API Developer
My Photos
... you can save it to your computer. There's not much computer savy about it-- both macs and pcs enable one click screenshots. Yes, I put a copyright on all my images posted and watermark anything that will be displayed large.
Believe it or not, the majority of people are honest and will ask permission before using your photos. And like the music community learned, you're less likely to get stuff stolen if you give people an option to buy (ie itunes) instead.
Portland, Oregon Photographer Pete Springer
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