Why I really like my F-828
Hello All,
Just 2 shots with my F-828,
showing its strengths & weaknesses,
while at the same time capturing the moment:
Regards, Nicholas
Just 2 shots with my F-828,
showing its strengths & weaknesses,
while at the same time capturing the moment:
Regards, Nicholas
You handle the weaknesses of the F828 well
Michiel de Brieder
Thanks Michiel, glad you liked my pics.
Yes, at Sunset the color temperature of the sun changes drastically.
Did you notice the F-828 caught the 5 sneakers dangling on the left side of the rings in my first shot. I'll take these sneakers over 'Lines per Inch' as a measure of resolution anytime.
I still have my D30 and D60, but haven't used them since I got my F-828 last December. The 20D sounds good but I can't see myself changing a lens (and carrying them) anymore.
Refards, Nicholas
You did a great job on those photographs Nicholas! The fact that the guide wires are shown so clearly attests to the fact that the Zeiss lens really gets the job done well! I have loved the 828 since I received mine nearly 1 year ago. I have never really sweated the PF issues, I just learned how to deal with it. It isn't like every picture has purple in it! The greatest thing about the 828 is that you can get alot done with that camera alone! Dslr's have their place also, but I enjoy being unencumbered by a heavy bag full of $$$$$$$$$ lenses!
Hi Stuck & All,
Yes, I was waiting for someone to mention the visible wires that are holding the rings around the unisphere. These wires are still visible from camera to Tiff and then to Jpeg compession and then to to Web Size Jpeg.
I find f5.6 almost eliminates the PF. I learned this in an article on Luminous-landscape.
Regards, Nicholas,