Metro: Larry Yurst

"This massive book is a yard long when open and features the most magnificent reproductions of the Paris Metro stations you're ever likely to see. Motion picture director, writer and photographer Larry Yust fell in love with the Paris Metro while directing a film in Paris and it was a love that inspired him to develop a unique photographic process. This book is a collection of images he was able to capture using that process, stunning photographic elevations of Metro stations, each one featured as a magnificent plate over three feet in length. From the Gare d'Austerlitz, the stop for the Jardin des Plantes, the botanical Garden where Henri Rousseau came to paint his fantastic jungles; to Abbesses Metro Station, location of one of the two remaining original Art Nouveau Metro entrances designed by Hector Guimard the reader's journey will be one of discovery, wonder and fantasy. The oversize images found within METRO are compiled from dozens of photographs each and present expanded views of the stations that cannot be viewed in real life."

I had the pleasure of sitting down for a few hours yesterday with the editor and driving force behind the project, Author / Musician Bryan Ray Turcotte (Fucked up and Photocopied) and I can't wait to get my hands on a copy of this book. Turns out Brian is my sister-in-law's first cousins husband. Crazy. Great concept and it's found a very receptive audience. The book actually hung in Louvre.
Check em out over at