First assigment

I'm helping a friend with his product photos. He wanted a banner to hang on the back wall at a show. It will be 2 x 3 feet and printed on vynil. I saved both a tif file (190meg) and a jpg (33meg), at 270dpi. I don't have any idea if these sizes will work or not. I think he's going to Kinkos for printing.
Tha banner was composed from public domain photos he found plus the ones I took of his product. I used LumaPix's college program to construct it.

This is the 3x5' card for the product package and was assembled in PSP8. The deer mount is mine from a few years ago. The toughest part was getting his eye in focus and the peep not too oof. I used my 828/tcon17 from a distance trying to get more DOF.

I did this for a friend and he offered to pay for my time. I told him just remember me after he makes his first million:wink. After he insisted, I settled for a Cannon 500D. He got right on the internet and ordered it from B&H. Neat! Now I have to figure how to use it in combination with my 250D.
Any suggestions good/bad would be appreciated as I am new at this and need to learn alot.
Tha banner was composed from public domain photos he found plus the ones I took of his product. I used LumaPix's college program to construct it.

This is the 3x5' card for the product package and was assembled in PSP8. The deer mount is mine from a few years ago. The toughest part was getting his eye in focus and the peep not too oof. I used my 828/tcon17 from a distance trying to get more DOF.

I did this for a friend and he offered to pay for my time. I told him just remember me after he makes his first million:wink. After he insisted, I settled for a Cannon 500D. He got right on the internet and ordered it from B&H. Neat! Now I have to figure how to use it in combination with my 250D.
Any suggestions good/bad would be appreciated as I am new at this and need to learn alot.
It's definitely something your buddy should be able to get some mileage from.
makes me want to pull my bow back out. I haven't shot with it in a year because I've been to busy with other things. Sigh...
I think this calls for a pic that I'll post in a seperate post..
Your collage is great. It really gets the message across. The only difference is I would have shot the model without the combat makeup on. A straight face would appeal to a homeboy hunter as opposed to war paint, which would appeal to a soldier, IMHO.
Nir Alon
images of my thoughts
Thanks for your comments
Homeboy hunter
Thanks MainFragger for your comments.
Thanks NIR
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