ch. 71 Watermelon in Motion

All of these were taken yesterday at the local Watermelon Festival (sponsored by the Lions Club, there was free admission, free watermelon, and rides that you could buy tickets for).
None of these seem absolutely perfect yet. Anybody have any suggestions? The festival runs all weekend, so I can go back and try to get better shots (with different kids, anyway).
This poor girl looked so terrified.

My boyfriend spitting watermelon seeds. He was about ready to spit 'em at me, after how many times I made him do it just so I could get a shot of it. This one is probably the best (the rest I missed the seeds by a split second).
None of these seem absolutely perfect yet. Anybody have any suggestions? The festival runs all weekend, so I can go back and try to get better shots (with different kids, anyway).
This poor girl looked so terrified.

My boyfriend spitting watermelon seeds. He was about ready to spit 'em at me, after how many times I made him do it just so I could get a shot of it. This one is probably the best (the rest I missed the seeds by a split second).

My Gallery
Whoops. It should be fixed now.
Wild Westhampton
My Gallery
[SIZE=-1]It's nice to be important, but it's more important to be nice. - John Lennon.[/SIZE]
I think I only liked the last one because of the expression my boyfriend was making. He frequently makes faces at the camera whenever I point it at him, so to capture a strange one he hadn't meant to make is priceless. (Maybe I should print it out, frame it, and give it to his mom...)
-- Al
Wild Westhampton