Garden of the Gods

I'm finally back home from vacationing in the Rockies. I must say that the "out of the camera small jpg's" that I had been looking at while on vacation left me a tad worried.
But -- there is a lot of beauty in the raw files and I'll have plenty of work over the coming months to process the files.
This one converted in raw shooter....then a shadows and levels treatment (with masks) in photoshop.
This is a shot from Garden of the Gods. A very beautiful place for photography -- and a lot of fun for kids who love to climb. As I was on vacation with the family -- the family (not the photos) was the priority. I'd love to go back to this place and set up shots at the right time of day -- and at the right locations. I missed most of the "must get" shots of this place.
Landscape shooting is not my strong suit, but I sure had fun trying on this vacation.