Greatest Tenor

I fiddled with this for far longer than I would like to admit, and can't get what I wanted, but thought I would share anyway.
After posting I sae It's very hard to read the lable on this small version. The song Is Ava Maria by Enrico Caruso.
Sory you can't hear it.

Sory you can't hear it.
Neat picture - the label might have been easier to read if you cropped the upper left corner some ie: trim the left and the upper border closer to the metal tubing. Neat image tho, and a cool 78 rpm recording. Enrico Caruso! You coulod make an mp3 of that disk and upload it to the web too.
Moderator of the Technique Forum and Finishing School on Dgrin
I would have just put a sheet between the window and the player. And I would have aged the photo a little. Other than that, I can read the print fine, and this is a nice picture.