Rael in The Park
rael was my very first model and this is the 3rd time i've worked with her.
after about an hour of shooting at this park, we were stopped because we didn't have a permit to shoot in the park, so we were cut short. another model, esther was there too (they were taking turns modeling and holding the reflector) and i'll be posting her pics soon. please tell me what you think of these pictures.
after about an hour of shooting at this park, we were stopped because we didn't have a permit to shoot in the park, so we were cut short. another model, esther was there too (they were taking turns modeling and holding the reflector) and i'll be posting her pics soon. please tell me what you think of these pictures.
heres another of rael:
Love the model's look - really sweet, girl next door look.
#1 and #3 have a kind of "snapshot" type look to them. I don't get that you are trying to say anything with these photos. From a technical standpoint, the exposure is very good (maybe a little blow-out on her top in #1), light has some very nice texture to it.
#2 has the most impact for me. It has a story to tell. I know it does. I'm just to deaf to get much more than a mumble - but that's my problem, not the photo's. Technically, the exposure look good and I don't think the B&W conversion can be much improved; it's very nice.
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I'm still in the "make them at least look nice stage" but you've already done alot of work that captured something else.
Good job,
i neglected to mention that rael is my girlfriend (i didn't mention it because i wanted to know how you really felt without sugar coating)
i may be posting more of her soon and i will be posting a new thread with pictures from the same day of esther very soon.
Nice Photos!
I don't like the cluttered background in #1.
A tighter crop in #2 might work better.
I love the eyes in #3 but, the shirts seems a little blown out.
Take Care,
Charles Cassidy,
Cassidy Photography,
Aperture Focus Photography
I would also re-crop the black and white one two. Try this:
crop away most of the stuff on the right, giving the girl only some breading space there and leave the left side as it is. (Anotherwords: make sure the picture has 3 sections: 2 of the grass on the left and 3rd is the girl)
Ted Szukalski - Gallery of Digital Photography
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