SD to CF adaptor: SD card in Canon CF slot
I want to use SD cards in my Canon 350D. Though hard to find, there exist SD to CF adaptors.
Does anyone have any experience with them? Any recommendations?
Does anyone have any experience with them? Any recommendations?
No experience with them, but I don't think it's such a good idea. Why you ask? Well the door on the CF slot would have to stay open, I'm not sure the camera will even work with the door open, and if it did you are just inviting trouble. I'd leave well enough alone.
Thanks for replying, Jeffro.
Some SD to CF adaptors (typically CF type II, instead of the thinner type I; the 350D takes either) completely contain the SD card insde the CF form factor, so the camera's door can be closed.
Physically, it is OK; I'm concerned with how well they can work together electronically (between the camera, the adaptor, and the SD card)...
It would be great if I could share SD cards between my cam, my Mac, my Palm, my phone, etc.
SD cards and CF cards are driven by two different groups with two different specifications and interface requirements. While it's true both are ATAPI interfaces, that's about where the similarity ends. These are not the same chip in a different form-factor, they are different animals you are trying to mate.
Compact Flash is more similar to PCMCIA and has its own controller.
Secure Digital (and MMC) require a "Host Controller" for their operation.
This is more than just a simple electrical connection difference, there is a major difference in design philosophy.
Besides this, think about the relative convenience problem. Every time you want to change cards, you have to pop the CF adapter to gain access to the SD card. So you change the SD card and have to re-insert the assemblage back into the camera. If the card is formatted for the wrong device, now you have to reformat. All the while you're hoping that the high-speed throughput is preserved.
I don't think this is anything I would want or recommend.
Moderator of the Cameras and Accessories forums
Aside from other SD vs. CF differences, my primary goal is to be able to fit the card in the Mac's ExpressCard slot.
An adaptor like this...
... would allow me to take pictures on an SD card and then, through something like this...
... I can get the pics in my MacBook.
Of course, I could go the easy way and read the CF card via a USB (or FW) port...
Some refs I found so far:
* Panasonic BN-CSDABP3/P (upto 1.3MB/s)
* IO Data CFSD-ADP (upto 3.3MB/s)
Considering all the homework you've done on this, I would be really interested in the results once you get your SD/CF adapter. I mean, we can compare the actual CF and comparable SD and see what the writing/reading rates are, what the energy consumption is, etc.
Maybe I need to ditch my CFs and switch to SDs, too