another lake shot

OK OK.. enough already of the lake shots.. but.... I can't help it. Are these empty lake shots boring? the reason I like them is cos they are empty.. but your comments are welcome and if you find them boring or blah.. please tell me and I can work on this addiction:rofl

Setup: One camera, one lens, and one roll of film.
And.....I definitely am not bored.
Boring ? Beautiful.
South Africa
Sometimes I do get to places just when God's ready
to have somebody click the shutter.
Ansel Adams
My pics @
.. and would straighten the horizon ...
Just MHO...
The horizon is straight.
The water gives it the illusion of not being. The water line need not be straight. At least I haven't seen to many that are.
Look at the horizon line.
That is not the horizon.
The horizon is the line that separates earth from sky. More precisely, it is the line that divides all of the directions you can possibly look into, into two categories: those which intersect the Earth, and those which do not. At many locations, the true horizon is obscured by trees, buildings, mountains, etc. The resulting intersection of earth and sky is instead known as the visible horizon. However, if you are on a ship at sea, the true horizon is strikingly apparent. ...
Sorry, Lynn, my bad!
Nik, please read my edit.
I think I am right ..... if I am not, then please convince me.
A reservoir is a dam lake.
You are right. But the general feeling is that the horizon is a little bit tilted....
Just a question of detail, exagerated may be...
Sometimes, tilted horizon is a good solution
For example.
And I also agree, shoreline on the lakes can be tricky and it *is* different from the true horizon...
I had even stronger effect with this shot of Mono Lake:
where other dgrinners suggested that I should evel the image, too
If you check the tufa towers, they are vertical, but the water looks skewed....
That is precisely how I came to realise this myself. I was arbitrarily straightening my shoreline shots using the waterline as a reference....then the trees were tilted!!!