Loved: email sales notifications

Here is a new feature I've been wishing for ever since I got started with selling through smugmug. I've been out of touch with developments at smugmug and it just started to happen.
If not now, when?
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Andy, I looked at this page but I do not see the usual RSS logo to get the feed from. I would imagine I'm looking for the wrong thing but can you educate me on how to do this? Thanks.
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"smugblog: release notes uses WordPress, just like Batman would if he blogged. [URL="feed:"]Entries (RSS)[/URL] and [URL="feed:"]Comments (RSS)[/URL]. "
I'll have to try this from home, I suspect my employer is blocking the RSS feed site as it says that
The page cannot be displayed
when I click on the Entries or Comments links.
Smugmug site
Blog Portfolio
Nope, still doesn't open either site. WordPress opens but I have no idea what to do with it.
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Win and I use RSSReader. Normally on a page (lets say a Smugmug page for example) one just clicks on the RSS logo like this
Then the feed is displayed and you paste it into RSS Reader.
What is supposed to take place here?
Smugmug site
Blog Portfolio
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Also the feed links are not displaying with symbols like you are showing. Just text.
Oh yeah - I don't have a clue about what I'm doing
Edit: I'm learning
Went to bottom of page and copied the RSS 2.0 url into Wizz (created a channel) and it worked.
"Tis better keep your mouth shut and be thought of as an idiot than to open your mouth and remove all doubt"
Well you cannot follow the directions on this page
to subscribe to because there isn't a RSS and ATOM logos at the bottom of this page.
Here is the subscription process for RSS Reader:
Look for this
Place the mouse arrow on one of the above pictograms (in the website you found) and click the right mouse button, then choose "Copy Shortcut".
Start RssReader and go to add(+) channel/feed and then paste (click right mouse button) the url and press ok. Add as many feeds to this free RSS reader as you want and use it as free news aggregator.
Smugmug site
Blog Portfolio
Finally!! Success!!
Here is what you need to do, click on Add in RssReader. When you get the add window enter this address:
Then click Next and you'll be all set.
You cannot add the blog adress directly because there is something in it's XML code that it doesn't like.
Smugmug site
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