you could probably play with the levels to get rid of some of the sky fog/light pollution remnants to make the background sky darker and the stars pop a little more.
I agree, this is a really cool shot. Try setting a black point in the upper right or left corner. This will lose the detail on the dish. So you could also go a step further: create a mask around the dish, inverse the mask, adjust the curves for the stars, then inverse the mask again and adjust the curves for the dish for maximum effect.
I just did this for fun in about 5 mins, and it gives it a bit more pop.
But it's your shot, and it's beautiful as-is, too! How long was your exposure? (Guess of 30 mins, could be longer)
you could probably play with the levels to get rid of some of the sky fog/light pollution remnants to make the background sky darker and the stars pop a little more.
the foreground object is good!
I just did this for fun in about 5 mins, and it gives it a bit more pop.
But it's your shot, and it's beautiful as-is, too!
Great work
My Gallery
Here is a bit darker one
Perhaps it is better off with the dish as a silhouette?
I'm working on giving the stars more pop, and trying to do what Chris suggested to get the detail in the dish... But I need to get some sleep...
BTW, the Exposure time was about 40-45 minutes... I also have another one that was about 15-20 minutes...
Anyway, thanks again!