cleaning inside 300D?

Ok everytime I change lenses I get stuff stuck to the area inside underneath where the flash is. (Is that the sensor?) Up to now cleaning it with my supersoft lens cloth has worked fine but I am sick and tired of doing it every time I change lenses. This is only recently and has not affected my photos much except once. Please my Dgrin gods help me!!!
Changing lenses exposes the the mirror box to dust. Some of that dust may be deposited on the sensor during exposure. But getting stuff "stuck" is strange. Without more information on what you are seeing, I would hazard a guess you are talking about dust settling on the mirror and/or the focusing screen. To get to the sensor, you have to access a special menu option (named "Sensor Cleaning", strangely enough), so I doubt you are cleaning that.
I might suggest you get some sort of bulb blower and use that to clean the trash out of the mirror box and/or off the mirror/focusing screen rather that using some sort of cloth. The less you touch things on the inside of a camera the happier you will be.
Hope that helps some. I'm sure there are others here with much better thoughts/advice on the subject.
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The mirror is a FRONT SURFACE mirror and very easily scratched.:cry And expensive to have replaced. Dust on the mirror can be blown off with a bulb blower or brushed off with LENS Brush, but is better just left alone unless it is really excessive.
You are not seeing dust on the mirror or the sensor when you look through the viewfinder - you are seeing dust on the focusing screen beneath the pentaprism of your camera - the pyramid looking thing on the top of your camera body.
The dust there can also be cleaned with a bulb blower or a lens brush. Again, unless there is a lot I recommend ignoring it. It WILL NOT be visible in your pictures at all, just when you look through the viewfinder. Is is harmless, unless it is driving you to distraction when looking through the viewfinder.
I have several pieces of lint on my focusing screen - I just ignore them. Trying to hard to remove them can just make things worse.
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Thanks guys!
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