Grass, barbed wire and sunset

Tonight I tried the same spot as yesterday, but slightly changed the subjects:
Self-portrait in grass:

Sunset grass:

Two types of barbs:

Barbed fence:

Tall grass at sunset:

The rest is here:
Self-portrait in grass:

Sunset grass:

Two types of barbs:

Barbed fence:

Tall grass at sunset:

The rest is here:
"May the f/stop be with you!"
Nice clarity. I like how the fence barbs are out of focus. Great shots.
NAPP Member | Canon Shooter
Weddings/Portraits and anything else that catches my eye.
Model Mayhem site
Thanks for looking!
The 4th shot is very nice but not as intersting as the composition of the 3rd shot.
Appreciate your comment!
I'm sure I'll be there again some time soon, I'll try to reshoot...
Thanks, I appreciate the confidence!
We'll see soon, if I'm good enough for what you're thinking of me
-Marilyn Monroe
I'm gonna work on it more within next few days.
Stay tuned:-)!