DSL bandwidth ?

Ok a quite reasonable priced package has arived here :clap
But it is 1.5GB bandwidth what this means ? it will reduce while i even browse different webs ?
Say i open few threads with 250Kb pictures so it will be reduced from 1.5Gb of total ? Or i open yahoo.com
if thats a case no not a DSL :rolleyes
Or it depends on provider :scratch
mine is offering 1.5Gb for month in 15$ with 256Kb/sec one email and i think 4mb of web space also
But i want to know about 1.5Gb is it enough ? no i dont download music or clips or games :scratch
But it is 1.5GB bandwidth what this means ? it will reduce while i even browse different webs ?
Say i open few threads with 250Kb pictures so it will be reduced from 1.5Gb of total ? Or i open yahoo.com
if thats a case no not a DSL :rolleyes
Or it depends on provider :scratch
mine is offering 1.5Gb for month in 15$ with 256Kb/sec one email and i think 4mb of web space also
But i want to know about 1.5Gb is it enough ? no i dont download music or clips or games :scratch
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Compared to dial up, any properly working DSL is enough.
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I could survive in 1.5 G a month of downloads if i had to...as long as you are just looking at the net & not downloading large files. Remember that things will get better so make sure they will let you change plans at a later date.
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Just about every residential high speed internet service throughtout the world is now measured in megabits. If it were true that were speaking in gigabits, he'd download at a sustained 187.5MB/sec (as there's eight bits to a byte), which would mean that he'd be able to download a whole music CD in under 4 seconds, or a whole DVD movie (DVD9) in under a minute. I *wish* that kind of service existed; I'd sign up in a heartbeat
What his provider is speaking of appears to be a monthly transfer limit. If he's allowed a total transfer of 1.5 gigabytes/month (also expressed as "GB/month" but not "Gb/month"), he'd be able to view the Dgrin forum entrace page roughly 28,000 times (I found it to be about 56KB) before he exceeded his transfer limit. This might seem like a lot, but factoring in images (let's say 384KB images as they seem to be fairly common as large size images on the web), he'd only be able to view 4096 images a month. If he was doing something like listening to streaming music 24/7 (128kB/sec), he'd use up around half his bandwidth for the month.
Personally, I am currently averaging 1.9GB/day useage, although I distribute unlicensed anime frequently and do quite a bit of remote system administration via VPNs, so I'm fairly high up on the scale. 1.5GB/month is liveable, although I think it'd be fairly easy to exceed it if you spend a fair bit of time at the computer.
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1.5mb/sec is enough to watch most video podcasts and streaming video.
DSL performance decreases when you are farther from the central office.
(edited post because LuckyBob posted a way better answer)
Oh, another aside; if the DSL service is ADSL/G.Lite/RADSL/VDSL, the download and upload speeds can or will be different (sometimes radically). SDSL/HDSL/IDSL/etc as symetrical DSL, so the upload and download speeds are the same. Also, (at least in the US), symetrical DSL tends to be a higher end or business class service, so you tend to get better speeds overall plus better customer service and better quality equipment.
Absolutely none taken.
I use a computer.
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I've had DSL service through a 3rd party telephone company Cavalier Telephone since 2003. I was reasonably happy with it for 2 years. True it wasn't as fast as cable, but it cost less than half what cable costs in my area. The Modem was a 'reach' DSL because I started out kinda far like 5000 feet from the CO. Then last fall I started noticing REALLY bad upload speeds, and worse disconnections from timeouts and socket errors from Smugmug. I emailed smugmug and Andy was really on the ball in telling me it was NOT smugmug and turning me on to broadbandreports.com testing tools. Short story I was getting 15% packetloss from west coast servers and 10% from east coast. So I called Cavalier, they tested at 5% packetloss from them to me and sent a Verizon tech out who took down the voltage on the line tested the 'pair' and said it was clean, the nice Verizon guy fixed my ground wire and left. The problem is was intermittent, I would upload fine for like 10 min, and then nothing for a minute and a half and boom time out. Because I has the old reach DSL Cavalier suggested I upgrade my modem, and I could expect faster speed and better diagnostics, so I did. It was back to normal for about 4 months, and the SAME thing happened again, 10 -15% packetloss. My line from the service techs to me always comes back clean, which makes sense because on my ping tests my first hop is always fast and clean, but from there on lies the problem. Cavalier gave me the "your crazy" "your router is at fault" "it is your NIC" "update your virus software" rigormarole, and i've had enough of them. I cani't upload more than 30MB of data without the loader crashing. I FINALLY got a tech to say that I was NOT the only person having this problem and that I may have reached the maximum usablility for residential DSL. So I think I'm going to go cable, I hate cablem but I don't feel like Verizon is going to be any better, and I've had enough of 3rd party phone companies. I'd like NOT to go through the hassle of switching, but I don't know how to make Cavalier fix the problem with their routers/dslam/servers If anyone has been down this road before and has any advice I would appreciate it. For the original poster, 1.5GB is a good amount of data, it wouldn't serve me, but for the price if it works it is definately a LOT better than Dialup.
the company is providing it's service to Reutors and UN it must be cool
Btw for Dailup it costs me 10Rs for free 7 nights (60Rs=1$) another is
1$=120Hrs i use prepaid cards so i have option to change the service when ever i want
Thanks Again !!
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