SmugMug Mac OS X uploader beta (works on IntelMacs!)

We are currently testing this in-house, but it would be nice to get some more feedback from more machine configurations. It should work on all OS X configurations, so please report anything that doesn't work. (For instance, we don't have access to really old versions of OS X to easily test on)
You can download it here.
We are primarily looking for bugs... anything that would keep it from working, or working properly.
We definitely want to hear feature requests, and we have some cool things planned for it. They just won't make it into this version, we want to get a version out for all our IntelMac people right away. :clap
You can download it here.
We are primarily looking for bugs... anything that would keep it from working, or working properly.
We definitely want to hear feature requests, and we have some cool things planned for it. They just won't make it into this version, we want to get a version out for all our IntelMac people right away. :clap
Smug since 2003
I will see how is works once I get home on my macs there I have the latest operating system
Canon 60D
Canon Rebel XTi (400)
Canon 10-22mm, Canon 50mm f/1.8 II
MacBook, MacPro
Oh I was sooooooooooo excited to see this! Downloaded and started it up (MacBook), uploaded a picture, and the result was a "Photo Not Found" thumb. It started great, let me log in, showed all my galleries, but no joy in the end
Smug since 2006
SmugMug Help
Uploaded 3 photos to a test gallery and all is well after a minute or so for smugmug to process the photos.
Mac OS X 10.4.7 on a PowerBook G4 (PPC of course) over DSL
Canon 60D
Canon Rebel XTi (400)
Canon 10-22mm, Canon 50mm f/1.8 II
MacBook, MacPro
Sorry doesn't work on my G5 Mac 10.4.7 FF either... looked like it up loaded but not in the gallery.
Was having problems with 2.0 sending to galleries i did not specify or not at all - this was in the last 3-4 days. Was working prior.
I loved the loader when it was working
One issue is that since I've got 2 smugmug accounts when I logged out of one (mikelane2) and into the other (mikelane) the list of galleries didn't change until I clicked on new smugmug album and then hit cancel in that box.
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thats not true actually, you can switch accounts in v2 and v2.1, and it should refresh the galleries. I will get that looked into.
I tried it again just now, twice, attempting to upload a photo to two separate galleries, and the photo does not appear in either gallery.
Smug since 2006
SmugMug Help
Does your upload log happen to show the image or anything at all about the upload? (upload log is in the control panel, up in the top box)
Just try and upload a few photos, and then check the upload log to see which ones are mentioned, and what is says.
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The reason I am posting is that I noticed in the uploader window, you have a column labeled "Date Taken." The displayed data doesn't correspond to the label. Checking against the actual files, the uploader's Date Taken column is not displaying the EXIF Capture Date, but the file's Creation Date, which in my case is several days after the date taken because I did an export to JPEG from Raw.
smugmug uploader 2.1
Mac OS X 10.4.7 on PowerBook G4 (PPC)
I just signed on to SmugMug with a trial account last week, and immediately bombarded the support folks when I discovered that I could not upload in bulk from either of my two computers. Robin directed me to this site, and suggested that I try the trial version 2.1 of the uploader.
This version (2.1) appears to have resolved my problems, and I am a happy camper!
For the record: Computer #1 is a year-and-a-half-old G5 iMac, and Computer #2 is a new MacPro (intel). Both are using Mac System 10.4.7.
With the version 2.1 uploader, I successfully uploaded individual files as well as an iPhoto album.
Welcome to DGrin!
Happy to hear the new Mac uploader is working good for you.
If there is anything else we can help you with, just holler!
Smug since 2006
SmugMug Help
You've probably figured this out by now, but since this is a Universal Binary, it will require 10.4 or later. 10.3 doesn't know what to do with Universal Binaries.
I am SO happy that you've released 2.1 and a Universal Binary version! It seems to work for me, except it craps out often with network errors. However, I've been seeing these same errors with the "Universal Uploader" too. I'm posting this on the 16th of Sept. and I know you did a bunch of network-related work at SmugMug on the 14th, so perhaps it is related to your new traffic re-director scheme.
Anyway, presuming I have guessed right above, this new version seems to work great!
My feedback, since you asked:
UI bug: the labels are reversed on the two progress meters. I think that the "Sending # of #" label should go on the bottom, since that one only moves when the # changes and the bottom one moves as the data for the individual image moves. Likewise, the filename being uploaded should be for the first meter, since it relates how much of the individual file is uploaded.
Feature request: Can you make it so that you can "sync" an iPhoto album with a SmugMug album? I'd love to make a "Best of the Best" album in SM that automatically gets updated with the contents of an iPhoto smart album that picks up all my 5-star rated photos. Also, having this feature would have helped a lot with all these network errors today... I could just tell it to restart after the error, and it would (hopefully) skip over the images that are already there. Currently, it happily re-uploads from the start of the album, thereby uploading duplicate images.
Of course, once this capability is in, the app could auto-restart any interrupted transfers by itself!
I realise that sync-ing is probably already on your roadmap, but, how about moving it up the priority list a few notches!
I'm brand-new to smugmug (just signed up yesterday), and am having the same issues with the Mac uploader that I see others on this thread have reported.
2.0 always gave me the 'insecure' error, and now 2.1 constantly crashes whenever I launch it. I'm running OS X 10.3.9 on a 12" PB G4.
I saw in a previous post on this thread that Tiger (OS X 10.3) is not supported at all by the new 2.1 Mac uploader - is this true? If so, do we crusty old OS X 10.3.x users have any option whatsoever, other than the 'universal bulkloader' (which I find to be very slow)?
I hope that something can be done to support Tiger, because I believe that a lot of us are still using it... !~?
Thanks all!
V1 of the Mac Uploader, you can try this one:
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I'm using the 2.1 mac uploader on a 1GHz TiBook G4 running 10.4.7 and it crashes with no error or warning when I try to upload more than 96 files, it crashes out at the 97th file or so.
Also, the uploader is consuming *huge* amounts of memory, over 390MB of real memory at the moment. For something that is primarily doing a file transfer, I'd expect it to be consuming a lot less memory.
After downloading and installing the 2.1 uploader on my MacBook Pro, I logged in with my SmugMug account information then get this error:
I've been able to upload files, but still get this error everytime the Uploader is started.
Hi, since you have an Intel Mac, try this newest version:
Use spotlight to find "com.smugmug.upload.plist" and delete it. Delete the old version of the uploader on your machine too. Download from here:
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Followed your instructions and downloaded the new uploader. I'm not getting that error message I reported earlier--that's good.
When I try to upload from the iPhoto "side" of the app, it only uploads 4-6 files into my selected SmugMug gallery (even though it reports that its uploaded all of the images). I don't seem to encounter this problem from the Files "side" of the uploader--all of the files I place there get uploaded to the gallery.